Sponsorship Opportunity

We are seeking sponsors at multiple levels – your company will receive extensive visibility as a supporter of innovation and entrepreneurship throughout Mississippi. In addition, you will be co-branded with Innovate Mississippi and our partners, including Mississippi State University (Starkville and Vicksburg), Oxford-Lafayette County Economic Development Foundation/The University of Mississippi, Higher Purpose Co, Jackson State University/The Beanpath, The Mississippi Polymer Institute at The University of Southern Mississippi, CDF (Tupelo) and The Meeting Place (MS Gulf Coast).


Each company invited to the cohort receives an investment of at least $25k in the form of a SAFE Agreement and will also be eligible for additional funding through the Mississippi Seed Fund, and from investors during the “Pitch Day” finale. Sponsor donations can be added to the CoBuilders Fund which will be matched dollar-dollar through the State Small Business Credit Initiative (SSBCI). If sponsors choose for their investment to be added to the fund, it will double your sponsor dollars that go directly to support the startups in the cohort. Otherwise, the sponsorship can be provided to the companies in the form of a grant. *The CoBuilders fund is set up as “Evergreen” which means any profits return to the fund – Innovate Mississippi, partners, and sponsors do not profit from the investment.

Sponsorship Levels


(Co-Title sponsorship with Microsoft)

  • Recognition as a Title Sponsor on CoBuilders.ms website and all advertising/pr/printed materials, local and statewide newspapers/tv stations/radio stations
  • Posts recognizing your sponsorship on Innovate Mississippi social media platforms (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram)
  • Recognition on the Innovate Mississippi and blog
  • Title sponsor recognition on signage and printed material during the regional competitions and the final “Pitch Day” event
  • Photo during the cohort or at “Pitch Day” to be distributed with a press release through Innovate Mississippi blog, social media channels, and statewide media, to recognize your company and level of support
  • Speaking opportunity during the final “Pitch Day” event
  • Your sponsorship will provide additional seed funding for each of the 10 companies in the cohort


  • Recognition as a Statewide Supporter on CoBuilders.ms website, local and statewide newspapers/tv stations/radio stations
  • Posts recognizing your sponsorship on Innovate Mississippi social media platforms (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram)
  • Recognition on the Innovate Mississippi blog
  • Statewide Supporter recognition on signage and printed material during the regional competitions and the final “Pitch Day” event
  • Photo during the cohort or at “Pitch Day” to be distributed with press release through Innovate Mississippi blog, social media channels and statewide media, to recognize your company and level of support
  • Your sponsorship will provide additional seed funding for each of the 10 companies in the cohort


  • Logo recognition as a Regional Supporter on CoBuilders.ms website and regional-specific newspapers
  • Recognition as a Regional Supporter on Innovate Mississippi social media platforms (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram) – campaign is targeted for the specific region(s)
  • Recognition as a Regional Supporter on signage and printed material during the regional competitions and the final “Pitch Day” event
  • Photo during the Regional Pitch Competition that you are supporting for Press Release distribution through Innovate Mississippi blog, social media channels and local media
  • Your sponsorship will provide additional seed funding for each of the companies in the selected region participating in the cohort


  • Select a team of your choice to provide additional seed funding, at a minimum of $5,000
  • Recognition as a Team Sponsor on the CoBuilders.ms website
  • Photo with your team and press release for the Innovate Mississippi Blog, social media general distribution, and your local newspaper
  • Recognition as a Team Sponsor on signage during the Regional Pitch competition where your team is located; and during “Pitch Day”

PRIZE SPONSOR - $1,000 - $5,000

  • During the “Pitch Day” event, we will be awarding various prizes to teams, TBD
  • During “Pitch Day”, we will invite a representative from your company to the stage to present the prize/award
  • A photo will be taken with you/your company representative and the team who wins your prize to be distributed through Innovate Mississippi Social Media Channels
  • Recognition as a Team Sponsor on the CoBuilders.ms website and signage during “Pitch Day”

Assets Needed:

  • Company name as you would like it to appear in the promotional material
  • Contact person/contact information
  • Company Logo in .pdf or .eps; and .jpg
  • Website link
  • Optional: An announcement you would like to make regarding your involvement in CoBuilders

Your Support

Your support will help to ensure a successful launch of the second CoBuilders Cohort and will stimulate innovation-led economic development for Mississippi. We appreciate your consideration!